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Healthy schools



At Grange Park we are very proud to announce the achievement of the Healthy Schools London Gold Award!

To achieve a Gold Award, schools have to provide evidence that they have significantly impacted change in two distinct areas across the school. We were able to show that the work that we do here at Grange Park has a direct impact on the lifestyles and choices of the children in our school.

Healthy Schools London is an awards programme that will reach out to every London child, working with schools to improve children and young people's wellbeing. It recognises schools' achievements in supporting children’s health and wellbeing. A healthy school is one where children learn to value their own health. The core elements of a healthy school environment include access to healthcare, healthy food and physical activity, clean air and water, and education about making healthy choices.

The research is clear: a healthy and positive school environment is fundamental to children’s success and effective learning—not secondary to it. Schools who participate in health-based programmes can improve attainment, increase attendance and improve children’s confidence and concentration as well as improving health and wellbeing.