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At Grange Park our intent is to provide an engaging and innovative English curriculum that promotes high standards of language and literacy by equipping children with the skills to speak and write fluently. Through a diverse range of reading opportunities, children develop an appreciation of our rich and varied literary heritage, read fluently and with good understanding, and develop a love of reading for both pleasure and information. These skills enable children to become confident communicators and active citizens who make a positive contribution to society.

Spoken language underpins the development of reading and writing. The quality and variety of language that children hear and speak is vital for developing vocabulary and grammar. Children develop the capacity to explain their understanding of books and other reading, as well as connect the knowledge and ideas gained across the wider curriculum through making presentations, acting in role and participating in debates.

In addition to daily English sessions, children develop early reading skills through the use of the Read Write Inc programme from reception to Year 2, and beyond for those who need additional support. From Year 2, whole class reading sessions develop comprehension skills through high-quality discussion of a range of stories and non-fiction texts. A love of reading is developed through weekly (KS1) and fortnightly (KS2) visits to our Reading Hub and daily reading of a book from our Reading Spine. This is designed using books, written by inspirational authors, which we value and want the children to have read by the time they leave primary education. Texts are purposefully selected to take the reader on a journey, from sharing picture books, to sharing a range of chapter books that gradually expose the reader to beautifully crafted storylines with evermore intriguing and challenging themes. Some books also fit with the year group’s history, geography and science topics. It is our intent that through reading, children have the chance to develop culturally, emotionally, intellectually, socially and spiritually, as well as have a strong command of decoding and comprehension.

Talk for Writing strategies are embedded from the Early Years Foundation Stage onwards and provide children with opportunities to visualise texts and orally rehearse sentence construction in preparation for writing. Correct grammatical terms are taught and used to discuss writing. We foster a culture where children take pride in their writing and are able to write clearly, accurately and coherently for a range of purposes and audiences. Opportunities to enhance vocabulary are captured in Magpie books, for example, developing an understanding of figurative language. Effective composition is taught through planned and structured opportunities to imitate, innovate and write independently. 

Y1 - Y6 use a high quality digital spelling program called Spelling Shed. We aim to cultivate proficient spellers by providing an engaging learning experience that extends beyond the classroom.

Our Curriculum Drivers of growth mindset, community, environment and language development shape every aspect of English, are embedded in teaching and learning and develop the child as a whole.

End points for reading

End points for writing

Primary National Curriculum English