Grange Park is committed to the fair treatment of its staff, workers, potential staff/workers and users of its services. We do this regardless of:
- Race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origins.
- Age, disability, gender, gender reassignment or sexual orientation.
- Marital or civil status, pregnancy/maternity reasons or having responsibilities for dependants.
- Being involved with a Trade Union or any other grounds irrelevant to the role or service in question.
Similarly, the school will not treat unfairly, or discriminate against anyone with a criminal record. Having a criminal record does not mean that an individual will automatically be prevented from obtaining employment or working in this school. The school has a 'Policy Statement on the Recruitment of Ex-Offenders' which is available on request. The school adheres to the principles of the Disclosure and Barring Service Code of Practice. Applicants are made aware of the Code which, alongside our Equality policy, detailing our objectives as well giving further information, can be accessed below.
Grange Park Primary School Equality Objectives 2022-2025