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Connect Education Trust

Year 2

Summer 2 2025


Summer 1 2025


Spring 2 2025


Spring 1 2025


Autumn 2 2024


Autumn 1 2024

Archive letters





Letter regarding reading books and chromebooks 2024

Talents and Interests Assembly 2024

Widening Horizons event 2024

Forest School Summer Term 2024

Southend On Sea Trip 14.6.24

National Gallery Trip April 2024

EMS Partnership Music Festival March 2024

Visit to Trent Park April 2024

Oakwood Baptist Church March 2024Yr 2 Children of the World Christmas Show 13.12.23

Great Fire of London Workshop 17.11.2023

Parent Letter Widening Horizons 10.05.2023

Y2 - National Gallery Trip Letter 22.03.2023

Y2 - Southend-on-Sea Letter 21.02.2023

Home Learning during the holidays 15.07.2022

Year 2 Classes 22/23 12.07.2022

Letter to Woodpecker class 11.07.2022

Talents and Interests Assembly 29.06.2022

Dance Showcase at the Summer Fayre (Y1-Y5) 15.06.2022

Letter to Woodpecker class 09.06.2022

Toscana Strings concert for all children in years 1-6 11.05.2022

Calling all Y1 - Y4s! NATURE CLUB - Mondays 11.05.2022

Home learning notifications letter 22.04.2022

National Gallery letter 22.03.2022

Talents and Interests Assembly 14.03.2021

Key Stage 1 Disco

KS1 Maths Parent Workshop letter 28.02.2022

EMS flyer Summer 2022

Free Instrument lessons for Pupil Premium children with Enfield Music Service (EMS) Summer 2022

Enfield Music Service (EMS) lessons starting Summer 2022

Letter to Kingfisher class 07.02.2022

Several cases of COVID-19 in Puffin Class 18.01.2022

Several cases of COVID-19 in Woodpecker Class 18.01.2022

Positive cases in Woodpecker class 17.01.2022

Positive case in Robin class 17.01.2022

Positive case in Puffin class 17.01.2022

Several cases of COVID-19 in Kingfisher Class 17.02.2022

NSPCC’s Speak out. Stay safe. online programme 10.01.2022

Y2 Enfield Baptist church trip 12.01.2022

Year 2 concert letter for costumes 01.12.2021

Read, Write Inc - Year 1&2 Parent Workshop 23.11.2021

Curriculum letter to Year 2 2021 5.11.2021

Positive case in Ladybird class 01.10.2021

Positive case in Robin class 01.10.2021

Learning Conversations Autumn 2021 24.09.2021

Come Learn With Me: Autumn 2021

Artz Kidz club flyer 2

Artz Kidz club flyer 1

PE days 03.09.2021

Bug Club Letter 16.07.2021

Kingfisher Trent Park field trip 14.05.2021

Woodpecker Trent Park field trip 14.05.2021

Puffin Trent Park field trip 14.05.2021

The Big Ask assembly 29.04.2021

ArtzKidz flyer

Letter to Woodpecker class 24.03.2021

Enfield Music Service (EMS) online lessons in Summer 2021

Letter to Puffin 19.12.2020

Letter to Woodpecker Class 12.12.2020

Letter to parents Y1 to Y6

Using Google Classroom Y1 to Y6