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Archive letters home






Enhancing safety in our school 5.6.2023

Sports Day Arrangements 12.6.2023

Possible Strike Action 22.6.23

Notification of closure for majority of pupils - Wednesday 5 July & Friday 7 July 27.6.2023

Summer Showcase for Enrichment Clubs 3.7.2023

Reading Hub Amnesty 5.7.2023

Year 2 Parent Letter Widening Horizons 10.05.202

RSE Parent Workshop Letter 09.05.2023

Summer Parent Letter - 24.04.2023

Notification Strike Action 21.03.2023

Y1-Y6 Talents Interest Letter 14.03.2023

Notification Partial Closure Due to Strike Action - 10.03.2023

Grange Park Book Fair Letter 06.03.2023

Notification Partial Closure Due To Strike Action - 02.03.23

Notification Partial Closure Due To Strike Action - 01.02.23

Come Learn With Me Letter - 27.02.2023

World Book Day Letter - 28.02.2023

Winter Showcase 22.11.2022

Whole School Letter 05.12.2022

GPPSA - Letter 3.10.2022

Learning Conversation Reception - Year 6 Letter 27.09.2022

Autumn parent events Letter 13.09.2022

Whole School Letter 12.09.2022

Whole School Letter 01.09.2022

Extend and Enrichment Clubs Letter 19.10.2021

Rules, routines and boundaries virtual parent workshop 15.10.2021

LEC parent member vacancy 11.10.2021

Felix Project 06.10.2021

Volunteering at Grange Park School flyer

Attendance parent workshop 22.09.2021

TSOL English Converasation Classess 21.09.2021

Autumn parents events letter 15.09.2021

Letter 01.09.2021

Enrichment clubs Autmn 2021

Daily testing for contacts of COVID-19 14.12.2021

Enrichment clubs Spring 2022 03.12.2021

Temporary measures in place following the emergence of the Omicron variant 01.12.2021

Christmas Dinner Poster  23.11.2021

Concerns Around The Use Of TikTok By Children 23.11.2021

Black Friday deal Smith Schoolwear

Bags2School flyer 10.11.2021

Children in need 2021 letter

Nasal Flu spray 09.11.2021

Music lessons flyer Spring 2022

Free Instrument lessons for Pupil Premium children with Enfield Music Service (EMS) Spring 2022

Enfield Music Service (EMS) lessons starting Spring 2022

Online Parent Dyslexia Workshop 02.11.2021

World Book Day and Come Learn With Me 11.02.2022

Usborne book fair flyer 07.02.2022

CK Performing Arts - February half term holiday camp 07.02.2022

Learning Conversations -Thursday 10 February 07.02.2022

Mental health workshop for parents- with Karen Ayres and Rebecca Neale 04.02.2022

Mental health workshop letter 27.01.2022

Whole school letter 25.01.2022

Reporting positive cases - via Parentmail only 18.01.2022

Metropolitan Police Parents Workshop 17.02.2022

Parent events in the spring term 07.01.2022

Growth Mindset parent workshop 06.01.2022

EMS spring term instruments letter 05.01.2022

Whole school letter 4.1.2022 


World Book Day and Come Learn With Me 11.02.2022

Usborne book fair flyer 07.02.2022

CK Performing Arts - February half term holiday camp 07.02.2022

Learning Conversations -Thursday 10 February 07.02.2022

Mental health workshop for parents- with Karen Ayres and Rebecca Neale 04.02.2022

Mental health workshop letter 27.01.2022

Whole school letter 25.01.2022

Reporting positive cases - via Parentmail only 18.01.2022

Metropolitan Police Parents Workshop 17.02.2022

Parent events in the spring term 07.01.2022

Growth Mindset parent workshop 06.01.2022

EMS spring term instruments letter 05.01.2022

Whole school letter 4.1.2022 

Parents Survey 01.04.2022

Enrichment clubs Summer 2022 18.03.2022

Rescheduled Attendance parent workshop

Conflict in Easter Europe 08.03.2022

Comic Relief letter 08.03.2022

A guide for parents - School Inspection 01.03.2022

Inspection of Grange Park Primary School by Ofsted 01.03.2022

Come Learn With Me Arrangements: Spring 2022 24.02.2022

Attendance parent workshop letter 23.02.2022

Update regarding the government’s response to COVID-19 23.02.2022

Summer Raffle Donations 20.05.2022

Summer Fayre flyer 20.05.2022

Ofsted Outcome 11.05.2022

Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) Parent Workshop letter 06.05.2022

Anxiety in Children Workshop letter 29.04.2022

Parents events in Summer term 22.04.2022

Home Learning Surgery Letter 21.04.2021

Bags2School 21.04.2022

Bend the Rules day 22.07.2022

Red Extreme Heat Warnings - School Closed tomorrow from 1:00pm 18.07.2022

Club parent letter 18.07.2022

Red Extreme Heat Warnings 18.07.2022

Change to Trust name 01.07.2022

Changes to the timing of the end of the day from September 2022 

Talents and Interests Assembly 29.06.2022

Summer Showcase for Enrichment Clubs 28.06.2022

Letter 20.07.2021

Changes to contact tracing in education and childcare settings 19.07.2021

Cuffley Camp Reschedule 16.07.2021

Club Parent Letter - Autumn 2021

Update on COVID-19 Guidance for Schools 14.07.2021

Voices for a Green Future Competition

Whole School Letter 12.07.2021

Whole School Letter  - Covid-19 12.07.2021

Extend - Holiday Club Poster 02.07.2021

Enfield Junior Park Run Flyer 30.06.2021

Summer Showcase for Enrichment Clubs 29.06.2021

Sports Day Week Letter 24.06.2021

Letter 18.06.2021

Enhancing safety in our school 14.06.2021

E-safety information video 17.05.2021

Parent events in summer term 10.05.2021

Lost and damaged book charges 31.03.2021

Pupil Premium for Summer 2021 02.03.2021

EMS online lessons for Summer term 2021 02.03.2021

Wacky Crazy Mad Hair Day 

Social Media usage 25.03.2021

Confidence to talk about RSE workshop March 2021

Letter 24.03.2021

Enrichment Clubs 18.03.2021

Enrichment clubs - Summer 2021

A guide to regular testing for parents

Resources and content for Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)

Rapid flow testing 4 March 2021

Comic Relief Day 2021

Arrangements for all children returning on Monday 8 March

Reopening of schools 8.03.2021

Use of headphones with Chromebooks 05.02.2021

Mental Health Week EYFS 03.02.2021 

Reminder RSE letter 02.02.2021

Mental Health & Wellbeing workshop 04.02.2021

Letter to parents of bubbles 20.01.2021

RSE Letter to Parents 18.01.2021

Letter 15.01.2021

Bubble school letter 15.01.2021

Mobile data letter 12.01.2021

Spring 2021 Parents events letter 

Information regarding the on-site provision for families of critical workers and vulnerable children

Chromebook letter 05.01.2021

Start of the spring term update

Letter 31.12.2020

School closure for the majority of pupils 31.12.2020

Letter 23.12.2020

Letter 15.12.2020

Letter to parents 12.12.2020

Early return to Extend club 11.12.2020

GPPSA Christmas raffle 

ELT – School Closures Friday 18 December 2020

Letter 09.12.2020

Letter 07.12.2020

Letter to other close contacts 07.12.2020

Christmas Jumper Day - GPPSA

Letter 03.12.2020

Letter confirming Covid-19 case

Fire Tech Camp Enter code GRANGEPARK20 for £20 pound discount for Fire Tech Camp

Letter 20.11.2020

Letter 16.11.2020

Challenging Behaviour Parent Workshop

Odd Socks Day

Spelling Shed

Phonics screening check

Children In Need Letter

Catch up clinic letter 

Frighteningly fun fundraising activities

LEC parent member vacancy at Grange Park Primary School

Christmas for schools Flyer

Letter 07.10.2020

Letter 05.10.2020

Letter confirming Covid-19 case

Learning conversations - Autumn 2020

GPPSA - Make or Break

Covid 19 related absence from school- quick guide for parents

Flyer for English Conversation Lessons

Covid-19 advice from Enfield Council

Important Please Read- key Information/Updates 14.09.2020

Update on drop off and pick up time for families with siblings

Letter 07.09.2020

Pupil premium letter updated Sept 2020

Update on the full opening of schools in September

Update on wrap around care at Grange Park Primary School

Full reopening of schools in the autumn term 20.07.2020

Connect letter 10.07.2020

Class Lists 2020/2021 06.07.2020

End of Summer term arrangements 01.07.2020

International junior bake off competition

Update regarding opening of school Letter 11.06.2020

Phased reopening of schools for Nursery, Reception, Y1, Y6, vulnerable and critical worker family children Letter 02.06.2020

Phased reopening of schools Letter 01.06.2020

Update on the phased reopening of schools for Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 Parents Letter 22.05.2020

Phased reopening of schools Letter 15.05.2020

Government Announcement 11.05.2020

Letter 07.05.20

Beware fraud and scams during Covid19

Mindfulness and Meditation

Breathing Techniques

Charanga access all students 2020

TESOL Flyer Summer 2020

Charity Fun Run 2020

Google Classroom 01.05.2020

Coronavirus letter February 2020

School Closure letter

Critical Worker letter 20.03.20

Letter 03.04.20

Coronavirus letter 18.04.20

Coronavirus letter 20.04.20

Letter 22.04.20

Parent Carer letter

Summer term fund appeal letter June 2020

Update regarding opening of school Letter 11.06.2020

Phased reopening of schools for Nursery, Reception, Y1, Y6, vulnerable and critical worker family children Letter 02.06.2020

Phased reopening of schools Letter 01.06.2020

Update on the phased reopening of schools for Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 Parents Letter 22.05.2020

Phased reopening of schools Letter 15.05.2020

Government Announcement 11.05.2020

Letter 07.05.20

Google Classroom 01.05.2020

Update on the phased reopening of schools for Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 Parents Letter 22.05.2020

Phased reopening of schools Letter 15.05.2020

School Lockdown Procedure January 2020