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Connect Education Trust

Personal Social and Health Education (PSHE)

At Grange Park, our intent is to prepare all children for their future lives by equipping them with the knowledge, skills and attributes needed to develop into well-rounded members of society, who take responsibility to make a positive contribution to their community in all walks of life. Our PSHE education, based on the Jigsaw scheme of planning and teaching resources, provides children with opportunities to explore, clarify and be reflective about their own beliefs and perspectives, whilst demonstrating an understanding for and respect for different peoples’ faith, feelings and values. We believe that values are fundamental in underpinning our beliefs and actions in all areas of our lives. We aim to provide children with a strong PSHE education, alongside the school values - The 3Rs - Respect, Resilience and Responsibility and British values, where they are enabled to become successful learners and achieve their full potential.

An effective PSHE curriculum can further support in removing barriers to learning for children, therefore significantly improving their ability and capacity to participate fully in all areas of the curriculum. As a result, children are provided with the skills and understanding needed in order to effectively manage their own learning across all curriculum areas, both now and in their future education.

Our PSHE education makes a significant contribution to children’s personal development whereby they build confidence, resilience and self-esteem in order to support them in identifying and managing risk, making informed life choices, developing an understanding of themselves and shaping their own identities, in order to flourish in our ever-changing society. In providing children with a high quality PSHE curriculum, they are also given the confidence to tackle many of the moral, social and cultural issues they may face, as they grow into respectful citizens. Developing this understanding of themselves, others and the world around them, supports children in developing and maintaining positive relationships, managing their emotions and ensuring they look after their own wellbeing, therefore developing the skills and attitudes needed to lead healthy, safe and fulfilling lives. Our Curriculum Drivers of growth mindset, community, environment and language development shape every aspect of PSHE, are embedded in teaching and learning and develop the child as a whole.

As well as this, we deliver a planned sequenced programme of assemblies which focus on half termly character traits, that support children in recognising, understanding and developing the character traits that make us unique and allow us to be the best version of ourselves. 

Here is an overview of the curriculum objectives for our new scheme of learning for PSHE:

2024-2025 PSHE long term subject map